Tuesday 6 September 2011

Attractions ( Using Dreaweaver) (iii)

Finally, the last step is to link all the web pages together.

First of all, i want to link the four main buttons in my first individual webpage to the other links.

Firstly,  click on the image that i want it to link to the other page

Go to'' Link''  that shows in properties, then click on the yellow folder and choose the webpage i want 

Now, i want to link the text in my content to other webpage by using Hyperlink

Highlight the text, and click on the top right icon( Hyperlink)

Choose the webpage that i want to link by clicking on the yellow folder

Lastly, i would like to have a email link on my webpage

Highlight the email address

Click on the Email Link icon

Paste/Type the email address in the E-Mail box

Up to here, my individual link for assignment 3 is successfully completed =]

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